Avant-Garde Creations
They were located at P.O. Box 30160, Eugene, Oregon 97403, USA.
Phone 503 345-3043.
Chambers of Xenobia
Type: Text only
Written 1981 by Steven Sacks.
Runs on:
Comments: Typical descendant of Adventure, Zork and Adventureland.
Collect 13 treasures in an underground cavern, while fighting
and killing the treasures' guardians.
Race for Midnight
Type: Bitmap graphics/Sound
Written 1981 by Steven Sacks.
Runs on:
Comments: Combination D & D-adventure game. In the 14th century, search
the dead wizard Evro's dungeon for the elements to the
antidote that will end your reign as a werewolf before you can
strike again at midnight. Silly looking "hi-res" monsters pop
up in every room and battles are won or lost via roles of the
dice. As the title implies, the game is time-limited and you
have 500 moves until midnight.
The sound effects were actually good for the time, but the
text, graphics and the game itself are well below that