Cognetics Corporation
They are now a usability consulting and user interface design company.
Cognetics Corporation has a homepage at
They are or have been distributed by Electronic Arts.
Type: Text only
Written 1983-1986 by Thomas M. Disch [story] and Kevin Bentley [programming] in KingEdward.
Runs on:
Notes: Featured a man dressed in a white tuxedo replete with top hat
standing in Times Square on the cover. It also included a
complete and accurate subway map of the New York City Subway
System. The Commodore 64 version came on two disks. The game
was huge.
The game comes with a "X-Street Indexer" wheel to find the
nearest cross street. You first align the avenue name on the
inner wheel with the street on the outer wheel, then the small
window in the inner wheel shows the nearest cross street.
Comments: Your character awakens in a hotel room, naked and aching. You
must endeavor to reclaim your identity, figure out why you're
a wanted man, and set the record straight.