Ram Jam Corporation, TheThey are or have been distributed by Mosaic Publishing.
Valkyrie 17Type: Drawn graphics/Music Written 1985.Runs on:
Notes: The original tape featured a very entertaining audio recording on the b-side, follwing an agent tailing a nazi before getting killed (complete with gun shot and screams!). There are also some answerphone messages. Comments: Player must escape his bill at a ski hotel and deal with killers left and right as he tries to steal the fabled jewel "Valkyrie 17" from a castle. Package blurb: You get home one evening to discover a message on your answering machine. Something you'd thought hidden for good has reared its ugly head once again. Valkyrie 17 is active. Here is a review of Valkyrie 17
Three Days in CarpathiaType: Graphics Written in The Biro.Runs on: Notes: Sequel to Valkyrie 17. This might not have been released. The SockWritten in The Biro.Tooth Affair; ChicagoWritten in The Biro.Shadow WarriorWritten in The Biro.The AmuletWritten in The Biro.Twice ShyType: Bitmap graphics Written 1986 in The Biro.Runs on:
Notes: The screen is divided into three parts, picture, location description and player interaction. For more information, see Mosaic Publishing The Terrors of TrantossWritten 1986.Runs on:
Adventureland was created by Hans Persson and is now maintained by Stefan Meier.
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