Westwood Studios
They are located at 2400 North Tenaya Way, Las Vegas, NV
89128-0420, USA. They were sold to Virgin.
Westwood Studios has a homepage at http://www.westwood.com/.
They are or have been distributed by Virgin Games.
For more information, see Infocom.
Fables and Fiends Trilogy
Circuit's Edge
Type: 3D
Written 1989.
Notes: This game was also worked on by Infocom.
Comments: Cyberpunk 1st person game.
Blade Runner
Type: Interactive graphics
Runs on:
Package blurb: Los Angeles November, 2019
Armed with your investigative skills and the tools of the
Blade Runner trade, you'll be immersed in a world that lives
and breathes around you with breakthrough lighting and visual
effects. Your ability to survive will be put ot the test in
the richest game environment ever created for your PC.
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos
Runs on: