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Information about the latest update is found on the news page.

December 2001

July 2001

November 2000

October 2000

  • The first "official" update of Adventureland after the move. This time mainly broken links were fixed or removed, however there are also some new cover scans and other corrections.

    Some of the updated pages:
    New cover scans have been added to: Accolade, Activision, Attic, LucasArts
    Other changes were made on these pages: Abersoft, Adventure International, Binary Illusions, Cascade Mountain Publishing, DG Ware, Domark, Electric Software, Gilsoft, Hooy Program, Horrorsoft, Incentive Software, Infocom, Interceptor Micros, Looking Glass Studios, Mark Data Products, Mastertronic, Neo Software, New World Computing, Ocean, Penguin Software, Piranha Interactive, Players Primeur Software, PSS, Scott Adams #14, Sierra Online, Soap Bubble Productions, Software 2000, Sophistic Chaos, Various Companies.

    Enjoy this first update, more to come soon.


September 2000

  • Adventureland has moved to if-legends.org. The new URL is http://www.if-legends.org/. After many years of excellent work from Hans Persson I've taken over Adventureland to this new home. Hans will however still maintain a mirror at the old URL (http://www.lysator.liu.se/adventure/). I'll do my best to continue with Hans' pioneer work and hope you'll enjoy this site as much as you loved the old Adventureland.

    Stefan Meier

February 16, 2000

January 18, 2000
  • Cleaned up the front page a little, finally adding the logo by Maike Liedtke.
  • Modified the following company pages:
  • Added pages for Daydream, Potter Programs.
  • Added more links, of course.
  • Moved all old news items to a history page since this page started to get a bit too long.
  • Modified the code to distinguish between official company web pages and fan-created pages about a company. Also moved all company-specific links from the links page to the relevant company sites.
  • Removed the bug that caused nested <a>-tags for computer listings for games under certain conditions.
  • Finally wrote the code to display information about one specific computer version of a game. Lots of information that I have been saving in the database for a long time is finally visible. Since this affects all games, you'll have to look through all the pages if you want to see all information that has been added this time. ;-)
January 4, 2000 May 25, 1999 April 20, 1999 March 9, 1999 February 22, 1999 February 6, 1999 January 24, 1999 October 13, 1998 October 4, 1998 September 28, 1998 September 25, 1998 August 19, 1998 July 23, 1998
  • The fifth anniversary of this list on the Internet, which I failed to remember in time...
April 8, 1998 December 18, 1997 December 16, 1997 September 20, 1997
  • Rewrote the computer index to have one page for each computer.
  • Created a page about the mystery concerning Scott Adams Adventure #14.
September 8, 1997 June 29, 1997 June 2, 1997 May 25, 1997 May 20, 1997
  • I present the new version of the Adventure Game List. This version now has a separate web page for each company and some links between them.
  • The data is now stored in an SGML database. This is then processed by sgmls and a Perl script of my own devising to produce the web pages.
  • This new version of the file has been updated (finally) with most of the 800KB of data that has been accumulating over the years when no updates have been done. OK, a few things are still left in the file but they need some checking up before they can be added.
Yet later
  • Maintenance begins to become difficult and eventually no updates are made to the file for a couple of years. Updates still trickle in, but are only put away in a file for safekeeping.
  • I start to experiment with creating a separate web page for each company so that the page won't take forever to load. A version of this is completed and put on the web, but only as a link from the normal version and marked as experimental.
  • I create an incredibly simple and stupid script that converts my text version of the file to a single gigantic web page.
May 19, 1994
  • The file is now 129KB in size.
April 17, 1994
  • An 81KB version is posted.
December 16, 1993 October 20, 1993
  • A 34KB version is posted.
  • I have begun to classify the games a little.
  • This is the first version that lists my own game, Enhanced :-)
July 28, 1993
  • The next version of the file is posted, only five days after the first one. The file has already grown in size to 18K.
  • There are still some wonderful mixups in here. Under the heading Adventure International, for instance, is one listing stating: "Adventure 1-12. For Atari 400/800." Under the heading Scott Adams are some more games, including at least Adventureland. Oh well.
July 23, 1993
  • I post the list on rec.games.int-fiction and ask for additions. I got lots, and when reading the additions, even more things bubbled up in my memory and got added as well.
  • The first version I posted was only 6KB, contained information about four different companies and didn't even list them in alphabetical order.
Mid 1993
  • For some forgotten reason, I start to write down everything I remember about the different adventure games I have played over the years and circulate the list to a few friends for some additions.

Adventureland was created by Hans Persson and is now maintained by Stefan Meier.

If you find any errors or have information that is missing, please let me know